Implementation case
of GoSklad
Real estate agency in Dubai
Case of implementation of the GoSklad service for a real estate agency

Client: Real estate agency in Dubai, specializing in the residential and commercial real estate market. They are actively involved in the sale of properties in Dubai and provide professional customer service.

Project goals:
  • Automation of work with clients
  • Convenient object management
  • Creating property selections

What have we done
We integrated GoSklad with two services for searching for real estate. Now all objects from these sites automatically go to GoSklad.

We also configured and linked the necessary fields to transfer data about objects to our system. All objects are divided into categories for ease of management (apartments, houses and others).
Information about objects is updated in real time. If an object has disappeared from the sites, then it automatically transfers the departed objects to the archive, which allows you to maintain the relevance of the database.
To conveniently search for objects, we implemented filtering by various parameters (by area, price, name, etc.). The manager can download a selection of objects and send it to the client with detailed descriptions and layouts.

All sold objects are included in analytics, where you can see the full picture of the amounts and commissions of managers.

Integration with WhatsApp has also been made. All correspondence with the client or sent documents are automatically attached to the corresponding transaction.

In the process of implementation, the ability to create a public order with online client access and automatically send a link to the public order via WhatsApp.

Now the agency in Dubai can more effectively manage its property base and provide a high level of customer service.
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